Brought together by Danelle Hand of Circle of Friends Productions, hair and make-up professionals from across the film industry are spending May 2 at Ascension Catholic School in South Los Angeles giving the graduating 8th grade graduating girls makeovers and new perspectives before they enter high school.
“Girl Power Day’ gives 20 inner-city girls makeovers with Hollywood hair and makeup artists. We share practical tips about high school plus free beauty products and school supplies. Adolescence is hard and teenage girls with low self-esteem are much more likely to wind up pregnant, drop out, or be in an abusive relationship. ‘Girl Power Day’ helps teenage girls step into high school with confidence,” said Danelle Hand, Circle of Friends Productions, LLC.
“Our goal is to keep bringing experiences like this to our students to allow them to visualize a world outside of their community,” concluded Dr. Kallay, “and we hope that other groups will follow the fine example set by Circle of Friends Productions to broaden the horizons of the wonderful children in inner-city Los Angeles neighborhoods.”