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Parent up date 12/4/13

December 4, 2013 by Office




Ascension School/Escuela Ascension

Parent Up Date/Carta Para los Padres

Wednesday, December 4, 2013/Miércoles, 4 de Diciembre del 2013

Christmas Program

Mark Your Calendars!!!!  Our Christmas Program is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/18 at 9:00 am in the church.  The teachers will be sending home a needs list for the children’s costumes.  If you have any questions concerning costumes, please contact child’s teacher.  Remember, school is dismissed at 1:45 that day and is not dismissed for Christmas until Friday, 12/20, at 12:00 noon, please keep in mind there will be NO DAYCARE on this day.

Christmas Raffle

The due date for raffle tickets has been extended to this Friday, 12/6. Some of the schools have had difficulty meeting the 12/2 deadline.  Thank you to all of our parents who were able to turn in their money on Monday.  You made our job easier.  Remember, the only dollars that are paid out are for the printing of the tickets and a small donation towards the prize money.  The remainder will stay with the school for tuition assistance.  The raffle itself will be held at St. Frances X Cabrini on December 15th at 4:00pm..  You need not be present.

Adoration this Friday

This Friday is adoration of the Blessed Sacrament beginning after Mass and ending at 7:00 pm.  You are always welcome to attend and join in prayer with the community and our children.  The teachers take the children over throughout the course of the day.

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, 12/11—1:45 dismissal

Friday, 12/13===Bullying Awareness Day.  The children may wear orange as a reminder to say “No” to bullying.

Sunday, 12/15—-10:00 Mass and FoodSale.

Wednesday, 12/18—9:00 Christmas Program in church.  Dismissal at 1:45 pm.

Friday,12/20—Noon dismissal.  Christmas Break begins.

Monday, 1/6/14—School Resumes


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