Ascension Catholic School
Parent Up Date/Carta Para los Padres
Wednesday, February 5, 2014/Miércoles, 5 de Febrero del 2014
Thank you
Thank you to all the parents who donated and came to help last Friday for movie night. It was a great turn out and we couldn’t have done it without your support. Please keep in mind school events such as movie nights are to help raise money for scholarships required by Educational Foundation for the next school year.
Candy Sale
Our final fundraiser will be soon. Please keep in mind that selling the candy is part of your school contract and help keep our tuition affordable. There will be more information regarding candy sale sent home as soon as we get the dates set.
Tardy Students
The amount of tardy students has increased. Parents please send your children on time because they disturb the class when they arrive. They are losing valuable learning time.
Parent workshop
A wonderful opportunity is coming our way from Cedar-Sinai, Share & Care Program. Share & Care is our counseling program from Cedar-SinaiHospital. There will be several presentations in the upcoming months. The next one will be on March 5th and the topic will be Managing Behaviors at Home. It is very important that you attend these workshops because the more parents that attend the better our school is represented. You as parents will learn more techniques on how to educate your children at home. These workshops help our school with scholarships so please mark your calendars and attend!
Code Academy is Back
OurCodeAcademyclasses will resume this Friday February 7th from 3pm-4pm. If your child was enrolled in the first trimester he/she just has to attend. Have fun and learn!
First Communion meeting for parents
There will be a First Communion meeting for parents next Monday February 10th inSaint Peters room near the rectory at 6pm.
Dates to remember
Monday 2/10- First Communion Meeting at 6pm
Monday 2/17- Presidents Day- NO SCHOOL