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Archives for February 2020

Ash Wednesday

February 26, 2020 by Principal | Posted In: Uncategorized
Ash Wednesday

As we begin our journey this Lenten season, let us renew our commitment to God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. May God Bless. Amen. Al comenzar nuestro viaje en esta temporada de Cuaresma, renuevemos nuestro compromiso con Dios a través de la oración, el ayuno y obras de caridad. Que Dios los bendiga. Amén.

CEF Scholarship Applications

February 17, 2020 by Principal | Posted In: Uncategorized
CEF Scholarship Applications

We are excited to share that CEF applications are now available for our current and future students. Please feel free to contact our main office for more information or visit the CEF Website to schedule your onsite appointment at Verbum Dei High School. 

Family Mass

February 12, 2020 by Principal | Posted In: Uncategorized
Family Mass

We invite you to join us this Sunday to celebrate our monthly family mass. After praying together, we can enjoy a delicious breakfast at our Sunday Food Sale. Our Ascension School staff looks forward to seeing you on Sunday at 10:00 am.


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